I read somewhere(I can’t remember where) that when our kids speak to us, we are to make eye contact, be present, and take the time to give them our full attention. Whenever they walk into the room, smile big! Let them know how happy you are to see them.
I lived for those moments when I saw the light in my children’s eyes. I still value the beauty of this moment, and they still search for affirmation of being known by their parents.
As my sons became teenagers, I was excited if they spoke to me. I would stop, drop and roll to hear what they had to say.
My favorite thing about my mom was how cherished I felt in her presence. As a child, in the middle of all the demands as a full-time employee, co-pastoring a church with my dad and a fully engaged mom–she did her best to ensure my sisters, and I had her full attention. I’m thankful that feeling cherished was among my beautiful memories of her.
God cherishes us even more than we can imagine and is always ready to hear us. He is never distracted–never too busy to lean in.
Isn’t that amazing?
God’s on the job. His Love is not situational or conditional. This Ephesian verse confirms what we know: Jesus’s love”…it is too great to understand fully.”
Suppose you’re feeling as if you’re not getting it right or cannot fathom the possibility of giving undivided attention to anyone, including yourself. Jesus invites us to receive His Compassion and Grace when we feel not enough, too much, lost, lonely, grief-saturated, outmatched by circumstances, mourning, dancing, and needing rest. We can be found when we embrace the deep well of love and acceptance that Jesus offers us. We are found, perfectly loved, known, and seen in the light of Jesus’s love.
And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
Ephesians 3: 18-19(NLT).
I shared a message about being perfectly loved and seen on Mother’s Day. If you want to hear more, please watch the Mother’s Day 2023 Message here.