I returned home from my mom’s funeral in late November 2020 and as is my usual routine, I either put on my running shoes and(literally) the West Chula Vista streets or walked my dog to process out my thoughts. Airpods and mask-wearing have benefitted me so much here. I can pray out loud with few people showing concerned sideways glances. Needless to say,  I was poured out by my grief.  I walked reflecting on my life before and the fresh emotions of my present.

Now, I’m not the prophet Joel that Paul speaks of in  Acts 2:17 (NIV)  where he says, “Your daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”   However, during this season of grieving, I have such a beautiful clarity from the Spirit. That morning, my reflection took me to a picture of a large basket.

The basket represented my life before my mom’s passing. This basket was full of flowers. Each flower represented relationships, projects, ministry-life, community. Things to bless. Things to curse.  Some of those flowers were vibrant and blooming and brought me great joy. Some flowers were wilting and in need of water, a little pruning here and there, but that was all.  Others were just dead. Their blooms long spent causing the basket to be so much heavier.

The day my mom passed, the basket filled with flowers at various stages of life and death flipped upside down. All the flowers were thrown across the ground. The basket now lay on its side, haphazardly in the corner. Grief can do this. It strips down. Leaves a life feeling haphazard.As I ease back into my life, the Savior asks me to come and fill my basket again. This time, with only those flowers that are truly lovely, purposeful, and joyful.  But, be “Be choosey.”

My question for you, dear reader is this. What’s in your basket? What needs pruning, watering, or simply tossed. May you have the courage to see beyond the fallen petals and the strength to begin again.

Ashes to ashes. Dust to Dust.


If you like baskets and enjoy visuals, I found some pretty ones like this one at TJ Maxx.